
Summary of the Theory

Modelling Theory

This theory connects the brain to a computer that has the ability to connect or associate language to produce ideas (Goswami, 2010). As such, children process information through tallying the phonological attributes

Reinforcement Theory

Concentrates on the functions or use of language where children acquire language as adults because of praise and reward for good actions and behaviors (Linden, 2008). At the same time correction by parents or adults in case of mistakes promote language development in children.

Nativism Information Theory

Was fronted by Jerome Bruner. It asserts that children acquire language easily because of the link between inborn and social support. According to Bruner, all children those capable or unable to identify and differentiate ideas often try to use language indicating that language is innate.

Sociostructural Theory

It asserts that children are biologically programmed to acquire knowledge through the language acquisition device (LAD). LAD has common grammar rules for all languages that allow children to understand the rules applied to different languages (Mauri & Leporati, 2011).

Functionalism Theory

This theory asserts that children acquire language because of promotes their importance in groups and enhances their quest for satisfaction.

Sociocultural theory of language development is the best theory of language development. This is based on the fact that the theory combines the principles of biology, social and cultural spheres (Mauri & Leporati, 2011). Through the support of the inborn language acquisition devices and the socio-cultural context, children find it easy to understand and apply language rules which then promote the rate at which children acquire language (Goswami, 2010). Socio-cultural theory of language development further accounts for the fact that most children are capable of learning even more difficult language within a very short time even in the absence of adults, an aspect that other language development theories have not been able to justify.

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