Fully Detailed Description of how to Create a Strong Psychology Term Paper
Is writing a psychology term paper your main task? If this is the first term paper you need to deal with, the whole process may seem quite challenging. However, if you know what to begin with, it will be much easier for you to complete such an assignment.
At first, one may consider creating a term paper in psychology rather terrifying. Nevertheless, if you divide the very procedure into several stages, you will see that doing such a project is not painful. You just need to start working on your assignment in advance by selecting a topic, undertaking research, and producing a detailed outline. By taking these steps, you will manage to complete your writing project on time.
The social psychology subjects you may choose for your work:
- Racial, sexual, religious discrimination
- The way people perceive their "self"
- Social development
- Personal attitude towards different social issues
- Social status
- Marketing as an effective propagandist tool
- Passion and love
- Non-verbal communication
- Being a leader
- Social behavior
- What is social disorder?
- Students and a school psychologist: discussing teen problems
Analyzing particular psychological disturbance or therapeutic methods is also considered a worthy topic for a term paper in psychology. Below, there are a few topics relating to psychological disorders which you may find interesting:
- Personal fears
- Despair
- Eating disorder
- Emotional disorder
- Seasonal depression
- Mental illnesses
- Antisocial habits
- Different types of therapy (group, behavioral, shock, etc.)
Topics Relating to Human Cognition
- Using laptops by females with the educational purpose
- Thinking and personal development
- Importance of making decisions on one's own
- Our desires
- Speaking disorders
- Faint recollection
- Self-concentration
- Dealing with complicated issues
- Criticism
Topics Relating to Personal Development
When creating papers in this specific field, you may discuss the issues relating to the early childhood period such as social education, language learning and others. Additionally, you may choose the topics relating to child’s attachment or the issues that damage children’s health.
Take a look at other subjects relating to this area:
- School bullying
- Violence on the Internet and child psychology
- Mastering language skills
- Problems in studies
- Gender stereotype
- Children exploitation
- Prenatal care
- Parenting methods
- Aging: main points
Critiquing Books or Articles
Presenting a critique of an article or a book in psychology is one more option when it goes about writing a term paper in the said discipline. For instance, you may critically analyze the Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud or you can make a detailed assessment of any modern book that interests you.
You may also browse scientific journals to find a topic for your critique paper. In addition, you should go to the library of your educational establishment to seek a good subject. Conduct your search until you find fascinating material relating to the area you would like to explore.
It is necessary to admit that the history of psychology is rich in diverse experiments and tests what makes a great base for writing an academic work. For instance, when producing your paper, you may discuss some experiments, assess the studies covering a specific psychological issue, or summarize the findings emerging from the latest psychological tests. You may consider discussing the following experiments:
- The Stanford Prison Test
- Pavlov's Conditioning Series of Experiments
- The Little Albert Experiment
- The Set of Rhesus Monkey Experiments Conducted by Harlow, and others
Instructions on how to Create a Psychology Paper
Down below, there are detailed guidelines for writing and formatting the structural elements of a research report. In addition, here, you will find useful tips on the style your term paper in psychology should be written in. Please remember that you should always address your professor in case you have any doubts about some paper points.
Title Page
- Type the first few words of the full title followed by the number of a page on the right side of the running head which will be presented on each page of your work.
- The words "Running Head" should be left aligned, typed at the top of the page and followed by the title abbreviation which should include the keywords taken from your title. The abbreviation of your title should not exceed 50 characters including punctuation and spaces.
- Put the title a few lines down. It should be centered and consist of about 10-12 words clearly presenting your paper topic. Note that you may implement your own variables into the title.
- Below the complete title, indicate your name. The establishment you are creating your work for should be typed under your name.
- Mind that the paper title, your name and institution should be double-spaced.
- The word "Abstract" should be centered at the top of a new page.
- You should start writing the abstract after completing all other structural components since it is a summarizing part of your paper.
- The abstract should give readers the following information:
- the issues you are going to investigate
- the participants of your research
- the techniques used for exploring the issue
- the obtained research findings
- the effects of your study
- The first line of the abstract should not be indented. Only one paragraph is to be created.
- As well as other parts of your writing project, the abstract should be double-spaced.
- This section should not exceed 120 words in length.
- Present information succinctly. Avoid providing any useless data.
- You may write one summarizing sentence for each of the paper sections. Thus, you will not find it hard to produce an abstract.
Introductory Paragraph
- Begin creating this section on a new page. A full title of your work should be centered at the top of the page.
- The first line of each paragraph should be left justified and indented.
- The first paragraph of your introduction should start with the sentence highlighting the main idea of your paper. You can provide just basic details about the topic so that readers know what they are going to deal with. The rest of this paragraph should concisely explain what methods have been used for covering the topic and how it has been explored by other academicians. In case, you are using any specific terms in your work, present them in this paragraph as well.
- The next step is writing a "Literature Review." However, before producing it, you should decide the order you will refer to the sources you have found in. In this section, the entries should be arranged both in the chronological order and by topic. First, provide general information about the discussed subject and then make its detailed description. In other words, you should begin with analyzing the sources that do not have a close relation to your topic. Then, start evaluating those directly connected with the matter under consideration.
- Introduce your hypothesis at the end of the introduction. It can be written in the following way: "The main aim of this research is to ...," or "The term paper is focused on ..." Show the connection between your writing project and the studies indicated in the "Literature Review" so that readers can see that your work has a solid basis.
Adopted Methods
- No new page is to be started. The word "Methods" should be centered and put at the beginning of this part.
- This unit should clearly describe the way you have examined your topic so that any of those reading your paper could use the same procedure if necessary.
- This section is commonly broken into three subunits: participants, data, and process.
- Below the word "Method," put the word "Participants" that has to be italicized and flushed left. This subsection should state who has taken part in the experiment. Do not forget to provide information about the number of participants, their age, sex, origin, academic level, and the criteria according to which they have been selected. In addition, it is necessary to say whether the participants received any reward for participating in the research.
- The abovementioned subsection should be followed by the "Data" one. Its title should be italicized and flushed left. In this part, you are to present the material and tools you have used for undertaking your research, e.g. particular works, slide projector, etc.
- The section named "Process" should follow the previous one. Its title should be also italicized and flushed left. Here, you need to summarize your research. Mind to provide the following data in this section:
- Describe the form of the experiment and its variables
- State whether there were any restricting factors
- Explain how the participants were adjusted to the conditions
- Present the directions the participants were provided with
- Describe participants' actions
Research Results
- Do not begin a new page. Put the title "Results", which should be centered, at the beginning of the section.
- Here, you need to briefly summarize the gathered material and the results you have obtained. Alongside the summary, you may provide such data as:
- the results received after making statistical and descriptive analyses
- denial or acceptance of your hypothesis
- the effect of the outcome if any achieved
- the table summing up the results if needed
- the figures illustrating the data if necessary
- Avoid deciphering your results, as it should be done in the "Discussion" section.
- It is unnecessary to produce it on a new page. The section should start with the title "Discussion" that has to be centered.
- In this part, you should analyze the achieved results and explain the cases where they can be applied.
- In this section, you need to:
- Interpret your findings in terms of your hypothesis. Do your findings prove your hypothesis? How?
- Correlate your results with those described in the works indicated in your Literature Review.
- Define the restrictions set by the type of your experiment and explain whether they have lessen the effect of your results. Were there any confusing variables? Were the used samples too small?
- Give recommendations for conducting further studies. Would you make any modifications if you needed to undertake your research again?
- Do not restate the significance of your results. You should not be a boaster.
- The "Discussion" section should end with a summarizing phrase. You can make comments or remarks about the results of your research only in case it is appropriate. For example, you can explain how your findings may help develop a specific area.
- This section should start on a new page. Its title has to be centered.
- The sources should be organized according to the rules of the APA format.
- The entries indicated in this section should correspond to those mentioned in your paper.
- Specify only the sources which you have scrutinized in detail. For instance, if you have read about the Work A in the Work B, you need to list only the latter on the reference page. As to the Work A, cite it in the review by using the format applied to quoting secondary sources.
- In this part, you should provide such additional material as statistical data, calculations, interviews, etc. Keep in mind that the paper body should include references to all the data presented in this section.
Helpful Prompts on Creating a Paper in Psychology
- Be objective.
- Use the past tense, as your research has already been done.
- Do not use the passive voice. All the sentences have to be written in the active voice. Instead of writing "It was investigated...," write "Martin (2012) investigated that ...."
- Avoid redundancy. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, you should not write: "In this research, which was undertaken in 2012, Martin found that..." Provide information in the following way: "Martin (2012) found that ...."
- Avoid using slang.
- Do not use too many personal pronouns such as "I," "my," etc., and such phrases as "To my mind," "I consider..."
- Use transitions, in Literature Review namely.
- Read the completed work aloud.
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