Why are there so few female leaders in our society?
One of the major reasons that make fewer women be in the leadership position is the responsibilities bestowed upon them biologically. Unlike men who have fewer responsibilities, women are likely to spend some time off during childbearing time an aspect that drags their participation in leadership. The notion that women are a weaker gender has also made some women shy away from contesting for leadership positions (Daft & Lane, 2008).
Why the United States has so few female leaders when other first world nations have had numerous female leaders?
In other countries, intense campaigns by the Nongovernmental organization have sensitized the ladies to i.e. for top positions an aspect that has reduced stigma that existed before. This is yet to happen in the united states where decisions to i.e. is left to individual personnel (Valerio, 2011).
In order to have more female leaders advertisement for leadership positions should be gender sensitive in order to encourage more women to participate in the interview.
What is needed to allow for more female leaders?
Government frameworks should be set in order to allocate some positions to women an aspect that would set an example for other organization. One of the needs to allow female leaders is to increase the trust of the public on the organization and encourage more women into nation-building.
How does one's culture impact a leader?
Culture encourages an individual to venture into leadership sectors or not. Some cultural stereotypes instill fears among individuals, therefore, barring them from vying for top leadership positions.
Opinion on things a leader can do or learn to be a successful global leader
In order to become a successful leader, one must learn on how to deal with different cultures of the people being led. In addition, one must learn on how to communicate effectively with the subordinates an aspect that creates trust between them (Valerio, 2011).
What is "in extremis" leadership?
In extremis leadership is a form of leadership that views a leader and even followers as more dependent on the outcome rather than success, failure or even pride. In simple terms, it is a form of leadership where a leader leads like his/her life depends on the outcome of the act.
Public Safety is not always "in extremis", so how can these principles be applied to non-life-threatening situations?
This principle can be applied in motivating the employees and leaders towards the achievement of the goals and objective of the organization.
How do you get people to depend on you for their purpose, motivation, and direction? Can this be done in non-extremis settings?
One way of getting people trust you for their purpose is through delivering the promises you make and involve them in the activities. This creates transparency and trust.
In this international Digital Age, a person states that she just took a picture using her hand-held 4G device of an earth satellite that landed near her house in Europe. Assume that you looked at the picture. Do you believe that the picture is authentic?
I could not believe that the picture is authentic as it would be authentic if the source would be verified.