Literature Review of Family and Judges Failure


The work of the family lawyer and judges is to deal with cases involving the family. These cases include divorce and also child maintenance. However, parents have resulted in the use of any lawyer in the decision of these cases thus rendering the services of family lawyers and judges useless. There is a great need for the family lawyer since they assure that every party gets justice and everything goes in equal shares.


The rationale of this study is to bring out the suffering children are undergoing as a result of mishandled family cases (Wilson, 2009). This is because most of these other lawyers work towards the interest of their own client not considering the other parties of the case. The other great importance of this review is to bring out how corrupt judges have to lead to the suffering of children involved in these cases. Many families have broken, and thus judges have turned these cases to be a money-making venture.

Realizing that many people are suffering in the hands of the corrupt family courts has encouraged me to talk tough about these sufferings in the public domain. This is to help bring out the corruption in the family courts. On the other hand, this will enable everyone to see how ruthless this court is hence we will seek other means which are not mine.

The main problem being the suffering families is being forced to go through in a divorce. Children are suffering in that they are being denied the rightful custody and also they are going without the support they ought to get from their parents. The right channel to be used is not too given thus making some parents go through a very long time of justice-seeking. Giving of the services in the right way has also failed since there is a fee charged in all, this service which seems high to some parents.

Where do these parents get information on their rights to this problem? Everyone who has great concern about children should always be interested in knowing the needs of a child and how to access the right justice. Growing the awareness and encouraging reforms in the family courts. This will only be if the parents have a great interest in learning more about what and how they should be served in these familial cases.

Everyone should about the advocate center, which has a great interest in serving the parents and ensuring that the children access their rights. This group of advocates' main aim is to ensure that everyone gets access to their rightful services in family cases. However, most of us are unaware of these advocates and this makes it hard for us to access justice, in this case, causing suffering to us the children.

Therefore, parents should be made aware of my advocate center so as to ease the burden of these cases (Richard et., 2006). This center educates them on the right and healthy way to take care of children. It also educates on the rights of every party in a divorce case. Ensuring that the right professionals handle family cases to reduce the corruption and time wasted on these cases.

There is also a media platform where the family problems are being discussed (Hawkland et., 1967). Parents should be advised to join such platforms, so as to discuss the problem and come out with a decision variable. Talking about a problem makes a person understand it better and also good conclusions on how to solve this problem is derived.

The most variable thing is to do away with the abuse the judges are causing the families. We should encourage co-parenting where children grow in the presence of their two parents (Clarke-Stewart & Dunn, 2006). This improves the health of children, hence decreasing suicide in children. A healthy child is one who has the love of both parents and also co-parenting ensures that the child does not lack someone to guide him in the absence of one of the parents (Burman, 2003).

Judges have proofed to be self-serving in these family cases in that they are only concerned of one party. This happens when children are not given their rights by a judge who serves the need of one of the case parties. Improper judgments have caused poverty in families where the distribution of wealth is not done equally or no wealth is given to one of the parties thus rendering them poor. Parents who have been left with nothing to take care of their children have sometimes suffered depression due to the stress of where to get the children's upkeep (Gonzalez & Viitanen, 2008)

There will be a research on the best ethical way to deal with the family cases. The main purpose of this research is to ensure that the family members get their equal share in these cases (Burrows, 2002). We will involve parents, advocates, suffering children and some government officials. We will assure every participant that the information he gives is protected and no one gets to know of who gave this information.

In conclusion, the society at large is affected by the way the family cases are handled. It is costing a lot to the families and thus making use of the property they are supposed to be sharing. This has led to the mistrust of the judicial services and suffering of the children. Therefore, there is a great need for this to be discussed and a good neutral solution on how to handle the cases derived. This will help ease the burden born by these cases and also ensure that everyone’s right in these cases is assured.


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