The American history has been famous for many movements, which emerge for the sole goal of fighting for human rights. In the post-colonial period, many immigrants to the United States were denied their essential rights despite agreements contained in the founding documents of the nation with the consequence being the emergence of numerous revolutions such as the Black Power Revolt and American Civil Rights Association. The immigrants particularly the blacks were demanding their rights.
In an overview, the American Civil Rights Movement was a mass movement concerned with efforts to discourage discrimination and racial segregation in the Southern regions of the United States, and became prominent in the 1950s. However, its foundation was established by the African slaves and their descendants with the idea of abolishing oppression and the institution of slavery (Rosales 19). Despite emaciation of the American slaves as a result of a prolonged civil war, they continued to struggle for their rights. Secondly is the Black Power Revolt that was a heroic movement in the United States famous in the 1960s. In the modern day, this movement has been embraced by politicians whose political parties have adopted the concepts of communism and subversive. This movement has today been perceived as the pioneers to the end of the vestiges of the American darkest past characterized by slavery and racial segregation.
In comparison of the two movements, the American Civil Rights Association was concerned with the elimination of historical practices of slavery and racial segregation. On the other hand, the Black Power Revolt was associated with the postmodern era of civilization. While the American Civil Rights Movement sought to eliminate the slave trade and racial segregation, the Black revolt was associated with a time when these evils were less prevalent. It is characterized by leaders who call for equality, democracy, and justice.
The Black Power Revolt is of major concerns. It is boasted association with renowned political figures in the United States such as George W. Bush and Jim Crow. This movement as earlier stated was concerned with the elimination of the odd conditions that the blacks were undergoing in America's major cities such as unemployment, racism, poverty, and police harassment (Hamilton and Ture 21). The period from 1960 to the end of the decade was characterized by massive rebellions by the blacks in more than 300 American cities.
The Black Power Revolt is similar to other revolutions led by human rights activists such as William Lloyd, Fannie Lou, Bob Moses, and Fredrick Douglas among others. These activists struggled for the abolishment of racism and slavery in the American land (Zinn 63). In addition, they organized laborers and led strikes in demand for equality and rights of the blacks.
One famous person who cannot be forgotten is Malcolm X. He was an African American Muslim minister and a human rights activist. He was famous because he was a strong and determined advocate for the human rights. He was against the mistreatment of black Americans. Unlike other human rights activists such as Martin Luther King, he was determined to fight for the human rights from an early age of 20s (Waldschmidt-Nelson, 92).
Works Cited
Hamilton, Charles and Ture Kwame. Black power: Politics of liberation in America. New York City: Random House LLC. 2011. Print.
Rosales, Arturo. Chicano! : The history of the Mexican American civil rights movement. Houston: Arte Público Press. 1996. Print.
Waldschmidt-Nelson, Britta. Dreams and Nightmares: Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and the Struggle for Black Equality. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. 2012. Print.
Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present. New York City: Harper Perennial. 2003. Print.