Comprehension of Concepts of Spirituality

The world has a diversity of religions. Several people have different religions. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism are examples of religious groups found all over the world. Religion is one of the main concepts of spirituality. All religions believe in a major religious aspect or a supreme religious being of whom they believe they attain help from consulting Him spiritually. They believe they can attain help from consulting Him through prayer, meditation and even chanting in some religions. Spirituality, therefore, is an important aspect in healthcare provision, as patients tend to consult more with the spiritual world when in hospitals, as they believe they can attain some help from the spiritual Supreme Being.


Most patients in a hospital try to connect with their spiritual life and especially God. Since no patient is sure of healing, believe in the continuity of life after death makes many of the patients reconcile with their spiritual life just in case something bad happens to them. Spirituality in hospitals is a way of making patients recover at a faster rate since many of the religions in the world believe in miraculously healing by consulting the spiritual life. The hope of healing through believing in a spiritual world and visiting the spiritual world in case of death make patients in a hospital highly spiritual in nature.

Significant Discovery about the Patient in Question

The patient I administered the questionnaire was highly spiritual as per the answers he gave me. Personal discoveries also indicated the patient was highly spiritual in answering the questions. The fact that the patient was reading a bible when we arrived indicates the patient was frequently consulting his spiritual life. His responses added to the fact that he was indeed spiritual. He even asked us to pray with him the moment we were about to leave. To him, praying was a daily basis routine he prayed at intervals of one hour.

What Went Well

Almost everything went well in asking and answering the questions. The patient answered the questions courageously without showing any form of tension. He was friendly as he answered the questions with a smile on the face and had a lot of hope and determination in healing. Would he have been in a stable state, he would have answered the questions more efficiently and directly. I can, however, say he tried his best given the condition he was in. The hospital's administration gave us time to ask the patients in the health facility questions at no charge.

What we would do in Future

Handling patients seem to bear better results in the case where the patients are psychologically motivated in answering the questions asked. Motivating the patient psychologically hence becomes the first priority in case we would like to attain perfect or almost perfect results to the questions we ask them. In future, I would, therefore, involve better conversation encouraging skills such as smiling at the patient, bringing the patient gifts to motivate them and making questions that are direct forward and don't need straining in answering them. The use of an interpreter occurred necessarily hence, the next time we conduct such a study we will make sure to include one to avoid the inconveniences that accompany illiteracy. A qualified expert in sign language is also necessary for handling patients who are a dump or cannot talk due to the several medical conditions they are.

Barriers and Challenges

The first major challenge we experienced was handling and coping with the conditions of the patients. Some patients were so a week to answer and even the specific patient we asked the questions did not offer straightforward answers as he kept complaining of pains. We had to wait for sometime before the pain could subside for the answer. Some of the patients were so moody and preferred their seclusion. They termed the questioning as a disturbance. Some got so emotional with the answering that they broke down to tears even before they answer all the questions in the questionnaire. However, despite all the challenges we experienced we still found the right patient to answer all the questions. Illiteracy a barrier emerged at the point where some of the patients did not have an idea of writing and reading. This made communicating with them hard.

Plans for Avoiding the Barriers Stated

Several patients were in an unstable condition to answer the questions asked of them. Handling patients in a hospital or health facility seem to bear better results in the case where the patients are psychologically motivated in answering the questions asked. Motivating the patient psychologically hence becomes the first priority in case we would like to attain perfect or almost perfect results to the questions we ask them. in future, I would, therefore, involve better conversation encouraging skills such as smiling at the patient, bringing the patient gifts to motivate them and making questions that are direct forward and don't need straining in answering them.

Spiritual Experience with the Patient

The patient the questionnaire was administered to administered the questionnaire was highly spiritual as per the answers he gave. Personal discoveries also indicated the patient was highly spiritual in answering the questions. The fact that the patient was reading a bible when we arrived indicates the patient was frequently consulting his spiritual life. His responses added to the fact that he was indeed spiritual. He even asked us to pray with him the moment we were about to leave. To him, praying was a daily basis routine as he prayed at intervals of one hour.

Effectiveness of the Tool

The questionnaire tool for determining the spiritual requirements of the patients in a medical facility enables doctor and nurses are aware of the spiritual needs of their patient. This makes it easier for the doctors to provide spiritual needs to the patients they take care of. Spiritual needs just as any other needs are just as important. This is because many of spiritually based patients would like to believe in miracles for their healing. Christians believe in prayer causing miracles hence to them praying is a common but special aspect of Christianity. Buddhists, on the other hand, believe in meditation to reduce pain and suffering. The fact that all religions believe in life after death makes it even more important to provide patients with their spiritual needs as doctors. Since the questions asked in the questionnaire were direct, the forward question requiring direct forward answers patients who responded to them had an easy time answering them. The questionnaire on spirituality to patients determines the importance of the relationship between spirituality and health.

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