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When you have to write a history essay, it means that a lot of historical information and details should be included paying attention to the required number pages or words. Besides the need to provide all the necessary information, it should be also presented in an intelligent and cohesive way. Read the suggested article on how to write a history essay that shows your profound understanding of the material and writing skills.
Mesopotamia is an ancient region of south-western Asia in present-day Iraq which lies between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
The first question that should come to mind is "Where is Mesopotamia according to the current world map?" It is located in the modern-day Middle East, on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates River. Due to the constant flooding from the two rivers rendered the soil suitable for agriculture; Mesopotamia was an encouragement for human settlement. Such empires as the Assyrian, Akkadian, Babylonian, and Sumer, during the Bronze Age, called Mesopotamia their home. The Achaemenid Empire conquered these empires, and then it was conquered by Alexander the Great in 332 BC. The Greek Seleucid and Parthian Empires, Romans, Sassanid Empire ruled over the region and the Muslim Caliphate in the 7th century.
Second, after asking the question about where is Mesopotamia, concentrate on its cultural value. Mesopotamia is considered to be the cradle of civilization for numerous developments. Mesopotamia's earliest language was Sumerian, but the Mesopotamian people also spoke Subartuan, Akkadian, and old Aramaic. Because of extensive libraries in temples and towns, the population was able to write and learn. A decent number of Babylonian literary works tend to be translated to date. In the Mesopotamian timeline, the scholars have made great strides in the different fields such as astronomy, mathematics, medicine, religion, art, technology, and philosophy.
Bartering, in other words, trading services and goods for other services and goods was the base of the Mesopotamian economy. With the help of bartering which was the essential thing for people in Mesopotamia, they were able to get the sources they felt lack of. Thus, ancient Mesopotamian people would trade with people from other areas, and consequently, the trade took place. In order to help facilitate Mesopotamian trade people also used currency. Nonetheless, their currency system used barley, unlike modern systems of currency, that use coins or money. The Mesopotamians had to borrow from a banker to purchase this barley. They also used metals such as copper, lead, bronze, silver, and gold, for currency. Then bartering was facilitated by the writing system in Mesopotamian which developed (first in the form of pictograms and then as cuneiform), thus scribes could keep records and contracts of Mesopotamian trades.